Opening at uRth Haus plus updates!
Hello friends! Currently, we have an opening at uRth. The open room $787/ month which includes rent, food, and utilities for the month! Apply today or email us! uRth has been having a lot of fun recently. We had an “uRthsgiving” potluck party with Rosalie and friends which was a great success! Also, two…
Read MoreFormer HAUSmate Gives Rosalie Big Blog Love
This is a blog entry from Michelle, who just returned to her home in England. If this isn’t the best testimonial for the advantages of cooperative living, I don’t know what is. Michelle certainly isn’t unaware of the occasional pitfalls of living with other human beings and their sundry quirks. But far more importantly she knows that…
Read MoreCo-Op Tetris
Ahoy there. This is Dave, membership coordinator for uRth HAUS. An applicant from a few months ago pointed out to me recently that there has been no update on this site’s News section since mid-June. A lot has happened since then. I’m not going into all the details here, but below is the main thrust. We do not…
Read MoreRosalie HAUS Vacancy opening June 2014
New vacancy available starting June 1, 2014, at Rosalie HAUS (1505 Rosalie, 77004). Room is $621/Mo. plus membership and deposit fees.
Read MoreInternational Boarding Plan
With great pride and pleasure, uRth HAUS announces a new plan to host internationals moving to Houston for work or study. Individuals from outside the United States may stay at uRth up to three weeks while seeking longer-term housing. Just $200 entitles boarders to the 21-day stay, including food and utilities. Beyond the search for housing,…
Read MoreNeighborhood Carnevale, Saturday 1 March
uRth HAUS announces a community event to be held on Saturday 1 March at 3 pm: Our first ever Carnevale House Tour and Procession. The plan is to invite neighbors from all over Museum Park to visit and tour the house between 3 and 6 pm. Two of our members will announce the event at…
Read MoreAssociate Memberships and Community Partnerships
As of its most recent meeting, the HAUS Project board has drafted, edited, and voted into effect a new standard policy for establishing associate membership and community partnership criteria and privileges. Anyone in the broader community who wishes to support and be part of HAUS without actually living at one of the co-op residences may…
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