
Former HAUSmate Gives Rosalie Big Blog Love

This is a blog entry from Michelle, who just returned to her home in England. If this isn’t the best testimonial for the advantages of cooperative living, I don’t know what is. Michelle certainly isn’t unaware of the occasional pitfalls of living with other human beings and their sundry quirks. But far more importantly she knows that…

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June Vacancy Updates at Rosalie

Thanks to everyone’s interest and engagement regarding the vacancy Rosalie HAUS for June 2014. As of this time, we have filled all rooms in the HAUS. However, if you still would like to learn more about Rosalie (or Ruth), consider stopping by for dinner. We look forward to meeting like-minded people and are always looking…

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Associate Memberships and Community Partnerships

As of its most recent meeting, the HAUS Project board has drafted, edited, and voted into effect a new standard policy for establishing associate membership and community partnership criteria and privileges. Anyone in the broader community who wishes to support and be part of HAUS without actually living at one of the co-op residences may…

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HAUS Goes Solar!

Just wanted to announce that both Rosalie HAUS and uRth HAUS now feature solar panels for heating water, as mentioned in this post last month. Thanks to Paul Schechter and the crew he assembled, uRth also got some long-needed work done on its exterior, fixing ancient bits of the facade that were falling apart, and…

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