uRth Turnover: More Women, More Diversity
Co-op life poses challenges every single day. Several HAUS members and alumni recently attended annual NASCO conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan, which included workshops on strategies to handle those challenges. It’s not easy to live in close proximity with so many individuals, all with their own talents and personalities (and quirks). It can get more difficult when…
Read MoreCo-Op Tetris
Ahoy there. This is Dave, membership coordinator for uRth HAUS. An applicant from a few months ago pointed out to me recently that there has been no update on this site’s News section since mid-June. A lot has happened since then. I’m not going into all the details here, but below is the main thrust. We do not…
Read MoreVacancies in July, August, and September
Honestly, it’s not because this co-op isn’t a great place to live, or that the people aren’t great housemates. Other opportunities come along—work, travel, love, family—and, being somewhat nomadic by disposition, we follow those opportunities. Within a couple of months, only four of the original fifteen uRth HAUS members will be living there. All the monthly…
Read MoreJune Vacancy Updates at Rosalie
Thanks to everyone’s interest and engagement regarding the vacancy Rosalie HAUS for June 2014. As of this time, we have filled all rooms in the HAUS. However, if you still would like to learn more about Rosalie (or Ruth), consider stopping by for dinner. We look forward to meeting like-minded people and are always looking…
Read MoreRosalie HAUS Vacancy opening June 2014
New vacancy available starting June 1, 2014, at Rosalie HAUS (1505 Rosalie, 77004). Room is $621/Mo. plus membership and deposit fees.
Read MoreFouRth Floor Room Available Soon
Yes, the capital R above in FouRth is intentional, because it has uRth in it. One of our tiny attic rooms (aka The Shire) will be available for a new or returning member after this coming weekend. The room is large enough for a mattress and a small dresser or bedside table. It’s excellent cheap…
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